Natural Fertility Articles
The latest science, recipes, & more
Basal Body Temperature charting. 3 simple steps to get started.
I briefly discussed Basal Body Temperature charting in last weeks post on ovulation. I noted how it is a useful tool that can help you track ovulation. If you know you are ovulating and when, this can help you to get the timing right for conception. Basal Body...
Are you Ovulating? 4 easy ways to check
If you have a fertility initial consultation with me one of the many questions I will ask you is “Are you ovulating?” Some women immediately know the answer to this and some are unsure. Contrary to what you may have thought when you were younger and trying to prevent...
Fertility Acupuncture Protocols
When choosing a TCM practitioner for fertility acupuncture, is it better to choose one who creates an indivdualised treatment plan or one who follows fertility acupuncture protocols. This article examines which approach might provide you with better outcomes.
17 Easy Steps to Reduce Endocrine Disruptors in your Life
17 Easy Steps to Reduce Endocrine Disruptors in your Life. Last week I posted about 4 types of endocrine disruptors. You can read that blog post here. To give a quick recap, endocrine disruptors are environmental toxins found in products we use in everyday life. They...
4 types of Endocrine Disruptors
4 types of endocrine disruptors include, phthalates, bisphenols, parabens and/or and polyfluoroalkyl substances
When is the best time to have acupuncture for fertility?
When is the best time to have acupuncture for fertility? Are you thinking of having acupuncture for fertility but unsure when the right phase of your menstrual cycle is to get the most out of acupuncture? Acupuncture for fertility can be beneficial at any of...
2 studies on the value of Acupuncture for stress during IVF
Acupuncture for stress during IVF – does it help? Let’s look at 2 recent studies that have assessed whether acupuncture for stress during IVF is useful. Spoiler alert – it is!
7 Symptoms of Endometriosis – do you have any of them?
7 symptoms of endometriosis – could you be suffering from endometriosis and not even know it? Here’s 7 symptoms of endometriosis that may help you decide.
3 ways acupuncture during pregnancy can be beneficial
3 ways acupuncture during pregnancy can be beneficial. Looking for a pregnancy acupuncture clinic? We have acupuncture pregnancy clinics in St Leonards and Dural, Sydney.
Bao Mai – The Heart and Uterus Connection.
The Bao Mai is the connection between the heart and the uterus according to Chinese medicine theory. It is critical to the health of the reproductive system, but is easily affected by emotional strain.